Category: Award

Champion Koosi!

July 30, 2019 By erinison

A good few weeks this year, with Oscar also obtaining enough points to be awarded his Australian Championship Title. We love this boy, our very own BFG. Oscar has lots of names, from… Oscar, to Koos, to Koosi, to Osk koos koos, to Koostipher Robin, to Robin… I’m sure he get confused by which name […]

Grand Champion Monkey!

July 30, 2019 By erinison

9.5 years ago, I started showing beagles. Well, a beagle. One to be exact. A VERY novice me, a baby puppy Abby (or Monkey to her friends), and a show world we really knew nothing about. Fast forward 9.5 years, and over the past few years, my gorgeous friend Noosha has taken over showing Abby […]

Life must go on

July 24, 2018 By erinison

Sometimes, it’s very hard to face the fact that life must go on. Unfortunately, it must, and without Sally and Leia in it. It’s been nearly 12 months since we lost Leia, and 7 months since we lost Sally. I still can’t think about them without getting teary. I certainly can’t look at photos of […]

Introducing…. CH Dins!

August 3, 2017 By erinison

If you’ve been following my posts on the blog, our little “Tan Head”, or Dinnies to us, can now Officially be know as Australia Champion Asalei Monkey Shenanigans (AI). Dinnies is a very sound dog, with lovely sound movement, reaching side gait, solid topline, gorgeous pleading expression, and a gay tail. The gay tail let […]

More great results!

August 3, 2017 By erinison

Keeper and Oscar have both continued their winning ways recently with classes in group and Keeper converting one to a Reserve Neuter in Show under a Beagle Specialist! Oscar continues to consistently receive the reserve challenges behind two Supreme Champions and has on a few occasions, beaten his Grandmother for Runner Up Best of Breed! […]