It’s been a while…

March 20, 2024 By erinison

Wow, life certainly does get away from you. The pitter patter became the most destructive boys I’ve ever had! Callie tried her hardest to wrangle them, but boy they were naughty. Whilst naughty, the “Hotbox Boys” certainly were beautiful. Callie and Bolty did a wonderful job, and their new owners are loving their mischievous personalities. […]

Pitter Patter….

June 28, 2023 By erinison

It’s been a few years! It’s time for some puppies again! We are pleased to announce that Callie is in whelp to Bolty. I’m very excited about this litter, being my first full Asalei bred litter with both parents being bred by us! Callie produced very well with her last litter, with Jersey doing well […]

Oh Boris…..

September 22, 2020 By erinison

Let me tell you a little story about our Baby Boz. This might be a little long! It all started one morning in December when he was just 4 months old. He was outside (our dogs have free range of inside and out) and he was fine about 5:50am when my mum saw him in […]

Be careful

May 19, 2020 By erinison

During this time, we are getting a huge amount of enquiries about puppies. I’ll say once again, that we won’t be having any litters anytime soon. We only have one entire girl and she’s not even 2 yet. Please ensure you are very careful about who you choose to get a puppy from. There are […]

Best friends…

May 5, 2020 By erinison

When Oscar was born, I really felt for him as we didn’t really have any puppies around the same age as him to play with and keep him entertained. This definitely showed in how destructive he was. We took on a sweet little girl called Matilda from Christophe and Leanne at Beagelee for a few […]


April 27, 2020 By erinison

Well here we are… what can I say? It’s nearly May and we’ve been in isolation for over a month now. Who would have ever thought that this would happen in our life time? Our business is still ticking over, albeit slowly. We are definitely not having any puppies while this craziness is going on. […]

Remembering our Dommie

September 14, 2019 By erinison

It’s been 12 months since you left this world. It was the most difficult decision we’ve faced, but we knew we were doing it for the right reasons, and had your best interests at heart. We know it was the right thing to do, but that doesn’t stop the pain. Nothing will erase that memory […]

Champion Koosi!

July 30, 2019 By erinison

A good few weeks this year, with Oscar also obtaining enough points to be awarded his Australian Championship Title. We love this boy, our very own BFG. Oscar has lots of names, from… Oscar, to Koos, to Koosi, to Osk koos koos, to Koostipher Robin, to Robin… I’m sure he get confused by which name […]

Grand Champion Monkey!

July 30, 2019 By erinison

9.5 years ago, I started showing beagles. Well, a beagle. One to be exact. A VERY novice me, a baby puppy Abby (or Monkey to her friends), and a show world we really knew nothing about. Fast forward 9.5 years, and over the past few years, my gorgeous friend Noosha has taken over showing Abby […]