Tag: RIP

Remembering our Dommie

September 14, 2019 By erinison

It’s been 12 months since you left this world. It was the most difficult decision we’ve faced, but we knew we were doing it for the right reasons, and had your best interests at heart. We know it was the right thing to do, but that doesn’t stop the pain. Nothing will erase that memory […]

Ode to Two Small Puppies

January 16, 2018 By erinison

In memory of Sally & Leia Ison, the original Two Small Puppies. They spent their entire lives together, and now will be together forever over Rainbow Bridge. We passed so many milestones with Sally and Leia by our side – we bought a house, we got married, we moved house, we sold a house, we […]

They are meant to live forever…

January 3, 2018 By erinison

Life can be so cruel. I can’t believe here I am, 4 months after losing Leia, that I’m now paying tribute to our beautiful Sally “Wally Wals” Ison. Our beautiful sisters. The ones responsible for all this. On the Thursday before Christmas, Sally was devastatingly diagnosed with Lymphoma. The vet informed us she had 4 […]

It’s been three months…

November 28, 2017 By erinison

… and the pain is still unbelievably strong. When people spoke about their “heart dogs”, I just thought I loved each of my dogs. Well, I do, but maybe in different ways. Andrew and I both feel a huge sense of loss with Leia being gone. It’s so quiet at home, our arms don’t have […]