Aust Ch Asalei Monkey Shenanigans (AI)
Date of Birth: 03 November, 2014
Sire: BISS GCH Danter’s Son Of Trouble
Dam: BISS & RUBISS GR CH Baldev Blonde Bombshell
Factor FVII | Carrier (by parentage) |
Cone-Rod Dystrophy I | PRA (CORD I) – Carrier |
MLS | Clear (by parentage) |
IGS | Clear (by parentage) |
NCCD | Clear |
POAG | Clear |
PKDef | Clear |
Congenital Stationary Night Blindness | Clear |
Degenerative Myelopathy | Clear |
Catalase Deficiency | Clear |
Lafora Epilepsy | Clear |
Coat Colour (Dilute) | D/d Full colour, carries 1 copy of the dilute gene |
Coat Colour | e/e 2 copies of red/yellow are present |
Kong, aka Dinnies
This little man was “tan head” in our litter and one that was never really on our radar as a prospect for a show puppy. You see, Andrew told me, in no uncertain terms “I’m not sure why you are having this litter, we aren’t keeping anything”. This was Abby’s 2nd litter (and unknowingly last), and I really wanted to see what she would produce to a dog who carried the bi colour gene.
I was definitely keeping a bitch, but as the time drew near for the babies to head off to their new homes, no one wanted a tan boy. I ended up advertising him and none of the homes that contacted me were good enough for our little boy. In that time, Andrew and I had both fallen in love with this little boy. Once the litter mates went to their new homes, his personality really started to shine. He was a replica of Abby, but in a dog’s body. He was definitely his mother’s son!
As we knew we had to move to give our dogs more room, we justified keeping him with the thoughts that we would soon have room for them all. I started showing him, along with his sister Trixie, and he was soon holding his own in the show ring.
Their first time at a Beagle Specialty and on the morning of an awful day in Sydney. It was raining, windy and the ground was awfully muddy, as I walked off to the ring with Kong to enter the first class of the day, Andrew said to me “I don’t want anything less than Baby in Show from you Kong”. I laughed and it kept a smile on my face while I showed him under Mr Deryck Player of Lyndex Beagles (UK). To my utter surprise, Kong was placed 1st in a large class of cute baby dogs. I was chuffed with that win as Kong wasn’t the easiest to show, he had his own rules.
At the end of the day, we did infact walk away with Baby in Show. Wow! Our first Baby in Show at a specialty with a home bred baby. It was a very special day, as his mother won Baby In Show at her first beagle specialty weekend in Sydney under Mrs Sally Kimber of Coachbarn Beagles (UK). To say I shed a tear is an understatement. How did we even think of putting this boy into a home? He was in the home he belonged in all along.
On Sunday at the specialty, Kong was again awarded 1st in Baby Puppy Dog class and was Opposite Baby Puppy in Show. From here forth, Kong was now known as Dinners. Andrew told his little boy that he was a “winner winner chicken dinner”. Unfortunately for Kong, I’m not sure which name is worse? Kong or Dinners? To me, he’s my Dinnies and will always have a special place in our memories for winning the same award as his mother at the NSW Beagle Specialties.
From there, Kong had a little break from the ring with the return of his litter brother Stanley, but once my good friend Noosha asked to show Stanley, we have been showing both boys with great success. I look forward to many future wins with this lovely boy. He has a gorgeous personality to go with his elegant outline, correct conformation and gorgeous pleading expression and I’m excited about our future in the show ring.
Critiques for Kong from specialties:
The Beagle Club of NSW 98th Championship Show
1st Asalei Monkey Shenanigans (AI) (Ison E)
“5 month old T & W baby, super head, correct neck & shoulders going into a level topline, nice straight front & good forechest & rear quarters, moved well for one so young, should have a promising future. Best Baby Puppy In Show.”
Mr Deryck Player (Lyndex Beagles, UK)
The Beagle Club of NSW 99th Championship Show
1st Ison’s Asalei Monkey Shenanigans
“Tan/white of pleasing balance, well bodied, compact with good bone, body and topline, well angulated hindquarters and sound movement.”
Mr David Craig (Davricard Beagles, UK)