Life must go on
July 24, 2018Sometimes, it’s very hard to face the fact that life must go on. Unfortunately, it must, and without Sally and Leia in it. It’s been nearly 12 months since we lost Leia, and 7 months since we lost Sally. I still can’t think about them without getting teary. I certainly can’t look at photos of them without bursting into tears. It really is amazing how much a dog can impact your life. I never thought, all those years ago, when we brought those two naughty little puppies home, that our whole life would be impacted by them. The direction we took, the decisions we made… They all revolved around these two small puppies, which quite quickly became four, six, nine little puppies.
With life moving on, we decided it was cool enough to start attending some shows. Abby has had some wonderful recent wins with her gorgeous friend Noosha! I’m so proud of these two, and the points they are picking up. We are edging ever so close to her Grand Championship. One day, not long ago, that was just a dream. Imagine, my first show dog. A girl who I have such an amazing bond with, going on to get her Grand Championship? It’s closer than just a dream now, and the closer that dream becomes to reality, the more reality hits me in the face and I start crying. Why? Because it means that part of our journey will be over. It means Abby won’t be gracing the show ring and competing for challenge points anymore. But by gee, what wonderful wins and memories we’ve had along the way. Wins I know my gorgeous girl won because they judge loved her. Not me, not Noosha, but they genuinely thought Abby was worth awarding. The day that dream is achieved will be emotional, on so many levels. But Abby won’t know, she’ll just wonder why her mummy is a sobbing mess. She’ll still be jumping around like a fool, just wanting that little morsel of chicken nugget.
Because, Monkey, you did great!

Keeper also decided to get off the lounge and head on out to The Hound Club of QLD Championship show and won Neuter In Show under Ms J Townsend (NZ). This is the second year in a row that Keeper has won Neuter in Show at the Hound Club! I haven’t shown him much this year due to health issues, and concentrating on Abby… but he might need to make another few appearances shortly!