The power of social media is amazing!
December 29, 2016
For anyone that knows us, and knows our dogs… they live a pretty damned good life. One of our favourite things to do, is run the remote control car around the back yard for a good old fashioned chase.
A few weekends ago, I filmed our guys doing this and put it on Facebook. Andrew asked me to put it on Youtube so he could send the link to a friend to show them what we get up to. Next minute, Andrew’s put it on Reddit, and I’m getting phone calls, emails and messages from everywhere from companies wanting to promote it, or do a story on it.
This is just mind blowing to us, as it’s part of our and our dogs normal life, to chase the car around the back yard. It’s the reason we bought acreage and one of our main requirements when searching was an open space for our babies to run around in and have fun. When we saw this property, we knew it was the one! We hated the house, but that wasn’t the reason for us moving. The reason for us moving was so our dogs could have a better life and acreage to enjoy.
People are very quick to judge others, and social media is definitely the worst platform for this. We are registered, purebred breeders with Dogs Queensland. We have a licence with Logan City Council to have our dogs. They live in an airconditioned house and have access inside and out 24 hours a day. In winter, the heater is left on inside for them. We take them to the beach at every opportunity we get. Opportunities aren’t as common as they used to be due to other commitments, but we do try. When they aren’t lounging inside, or chasing the car, they are show dogs with lots of lovely wins to their names.
So, if you haven’t seen it yet (… really? You aren’t one of the nearly 20 million people who have watched it??), below are a few links to the videos.
Enjoy the videos, I hope it brings a smile to everyone’s face, like it does ours when we see the pure joy on our dogs faces as they do something they love!
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